Monday, May 4, 2009

What they don't tell you...

The boys from Rick’s crew are out of the sandbox.

They’re safely ensconced at a resort in Cyprus for “decompression” time and for the first time since he got home Rick is not logging onto the computer several times a day to check on them.

I think it’s a relief for him.

I feel that it’s a relief for him. He’s more relaxed.

We’re getting to the end of his leave period. Work will accommodate him to be here to get the kids off on the bus and to be here when they get home – but I’m soon back to spending the bulk of my days alone.

Believe it or not – I’m sort of looking forward to it.

Not that he hasn’t been wonderful - he’s been beyond wonderful. I haven’t had to worry about anything since he stepped foot in the house. But after a year (once you count work up time) of being in charge – sometimes letting go isn’t easy.

It’s, maybe, a good thing that I’m so restricted in what I’m allowed to do. He likes to be “in charge” and loves to have things his “way”. I do too. So it’s a fight looking for a place to happen. Fortunately our little ‘bun in the oven’ is playing the peacemaker for the time being and hopefully he’ll tire of being the one in charge by the time she makes her appearance.

They don’t tell you in the deployment briefings that you’ll have to get “used” to sleeping with your husband again. After months of just me and the kids, I’ve suddenly got this giant man in my bed. And somehow I’d forgotten just how loud that man snores.

Add that to the growing belly and pregnancy aches and pains and I’m pretty much playing musical beds all night long. Some nights I feel like Goldilocks looking for the perfect place to sleep. Typically I find it about five minutes before I have to go to the bathroom – again!

I know what you’re thinking. I’m such an ingrate. I’ve spent the last seven months hoping, wishing, praying and waiting for my man to get home. Now I’m complaining about it.

Sigh. Patience doesn’t seem to be a virtue that women in their third trimester are blessed with in abundance. At least this one isn’t. Thank goodness for a man that understands that.

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