Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Sometimes there aren't any words

Liam all ready to greet his Dad
Kate hates airports but knew something was up.

Rick's parents Levi and Jean


Our first glimpse as he got off the place - Kate lost her mind and the security came to see what was happening.

Liam reaches his Daddy first

I think Kate's face says it all.

Kate dancing for joy.

I don't think there's a happier family in Oromocto at this point.

I actually wrote this blog about 20 times before I realized that I just don't have the words. Sometimes pictures are much better.
Day 221
*So this is the end of the deployment for us. Not the way we expected it to end.
No less happy that he's home though.
I've been debating whether or not to continue to write the blog or fade to black like The Sopranos.
I don't stop being a military spouse because he's not deployed.
I tell you what.....I'll leave it up to you. If you don't feel comfortable messaging me on the blog itself you can contact me on Facebook or at
Thanks for being there for me and listening when I needed you.


brat said...

I am soooooooooo happy for you all... Take care of YOU!!!
I have emailed you..;)

Prayers - with love and faith - ongoing from here.

Anonymous said...

I still want to here the end... Please as edna Friend I have watched this blog since the walmart incendent and would love to find out when that baby comes that is is healthy . Take care of yourself and I have very much enjoyed this whole thing. So keep blogging we need to know the that you and rick are alright and still want to here about how your daughter is doing... It been a long haul and you are a amazing woman to let us share this with you!!..... take care hun